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Perl Studio for Windows 95/98/2000/NT

Perl Studio psBanner

Perl Studio psBanner is a set of Perl scripts that:
Displays image banners from a database.
Easy admin for adding, updating banner information in database.
Logs click thrus for each banner that is clicked on and redirects the user to the banner click thru URL.
Logs the number of times each banner is shown.
Deletes the banner records after they reach their expire date.
Uses cookies to help randomize the banner images shown to users.

MySQL version

These scripts are included with the Perl Studio member subscription.

Perl Studio random banner usage:

random image banner SSI example
<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/banners/banner_ssi.cgi"-->

random image banner inline image example

<img src="/cgi-bin/banners/banner_insert.cgi">

inline hard coded image example

<a href=""><img src="" alt="perl studio" width="468" height="60"></a>

perl studio

Installing Perl Studio psBanner scripts , DBI::SQL version

Unzip the archive file on your local hard drive.

Change the first line of the scripts to point to the correct path for perl version 5 or greater on your server.

The default perl path in the scripts is #!/usr/local/bin/perl
other possible paths to perl

psBanner script files

(note: The script files params.cgi and banner_lib.cgi do not need a perl path tag.)

Create a 'banners' directory under your cgi-bin directory.
Upload all the script files into the cgi-bin/banners directory.

Create a 'template' directory under your public_html directory.

Upload the banner_print.html into the template directory. This html file is used to print database records by the admin script.

Create a 'database/images directory under your public_html directory.

Next, make sure the files and directories have the correct permissions. Script file permissions should be 755.

Make sure the database/images directory has a directory permission of 777. The admin script will place the uploaded images in this directory.

User Modifications

The following lines from the params.cgi file define the location of important files and database parameters. These lines must be modified before running the scripts:

Required Modifications that need to be set before you use the banner scripts

Access to your DBI::SQL Database will require that you supply your userid and password
$dbuser = 'your user id';
$dbpass = 'your password';

Access to your DBI::SQL Database will require that you supply the name of your database,
usually the same as your userid
$dbname = 'your database name';

The name of the database driver your using. It can be mysql or any DBI:DBD driver
$dbdriver = 'mysql';

The URL to the database server, usually localhost, if the database server is on the same machine.
$dbserver = 'localhost';

First run the banner_create.cgi script to create your new banners database table.
You can now load the Perl Studio banner_admin script and start entering banner image records
Load http://yourserver/cgi-bin/banners/banner_admin.cgi (replace 'yourserver' with your own server name) in your browser and make sure it functions correctly.

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