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Perl Studio for Windows 95/98/2000/NT

Perl Studio Frequently Asked Questions

Will the scripts created by Perl Studio for Windows run on Unix, Linux, Windows?
Yes, the scripts created by Perl Studio for Windows will run on all platforms. When Perl Studio creates your scripts you can select the Unix or NT option.

I get an error running the scripts created by Perl Studio for Windows.

  • Check the first line of the script to make sure the path to your perl interpreter is correct for your server.
    possible paths to the perl interpreter (not needed on Windows NT servers).
    • #!/usr/bin/perl
    • #!/usr/local/bin/perl
    • #!/usr/bin/perl5
    • #!/usr/local/bin/perl5
  • Check the path to the email program on your sever.
    possible paths to the email program on your server
    • /usr/lib/sendmail
    • /usr/bin/sendmail
    • /usr/sbin/sendmail
    • (on Windows NT servers)
    • (on Windows NT servers)
  • Make sure you uploaded the script file to your server in ascii mode.
  • Set the file permissions on the script at 755 (not needed on Windows NT servers).
  • Windows NT servers need an file extension of pl.

Perl Studio doesn't install.
Perl Studio uses the standard InstallShield software for the software installation. You must close all open software programs before running the install program. Also, if you tried to install the pstudio.exe file and it did not install, then you need to re-boot your computer, before trying to install the pstudio.exe again.

The installation will always fail with any of Microsoft Office software products open, especially with Microsoft Outlook open.

What's the BEGIN statement?
A BEGIN statement/subroutine is executed immediately. The Perl interpreter uses the BEGIN block to pull in definitions and subroutines from other files that need to be visible to the rest of the file before parsing the script.

What's the push(@INC,mydirectory); directive?
The @INC array contains a list of directories that are use to search for all external files/modules that are used by the perl script. All of the Windows NT. perl scripts produced by Perl Studio use the @INC array to tell the Perl interpreter where to look for the files/modules/external scripts used by the Perl Studio script.

Typical Windows push @INC directive

Typical Unix/Linux push @INC directive

How do I use perl modules/pm script files when I don't have root access to install the perl modules?
Place the modules in your cgi-bin directory and use a push(@INC,/"mydirectory/cgi-bin/"); directive.

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