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Perl Studio for Windows 95/98/2000/NT

Perl Studio shopping cart scripts

Perl Studio shopping cart demo

Perl Studio shopping cart admin
(password and username is admin)


  • Store front page featured products page front page demo
  • HTML templates that let you control the look of the store
    (typical hidden tag replacement using <!--insert_here-->)
  • Validates credit card numbers
  • Real-time credit card verfication
  • Or use standard encrypted credit cards info stored on server
  • Or RC4 encrypted credit cards stored on server
  • Or CBC IDEA encrypted credit cards stored on server
  • PGP support for mailing encrypted credit card information.
  • listbox options for each product displayed
  • javascript alert for required listbox options for each product displayed
  • automatic category and subcategory javascript code generated for search pages.
  • just add a different category for a selected product and the new category shows up on the search page.
  • MD5 digest hash signature support
    The MD5 Digest modules calculates digests, also called fingerprints or hashes, of the users information. The MD5 digest elimates hackers from completing the checkout process without paying.

    For your protection we have implemented a security validation to ensure that order amounts received by your system for authorization/settlement are accurate and unadulterated. This additional security validation requires the customer be identified and authorized to send order information to your system.

    When a customer places an order, the scripts generate a MD5 digest hash signature and is compared to the list of existing MD5 digest hash signatures. If the MD5 digest hash signatures do not match, the order is rejected and no credit card authorization is obtained. When the MD5 digest hash signature match, the order is submitted for credit card authorization and finalized accordingly.

  • Export orders into tab or comma delimited files for importing into database or spreadsheet applications
  • Import any delimited file to populate the products database

Real-time credit card verfication using the following processors:

  • CyberCash
  • AuthorizeNet
  • PayPal
  • Signio Payflow Pro (VeriSign)
  • Bank of America (BOFA)
  • Linkpoint API (CardService International)



Sites using the shopping cart scripts:
HedgeHog Books
Coffee Creek Mining and Gem Company
The Medical Village
Amazon Distributing

Requirements: Unix/MySQl.

These scripts are included with the Perl Studio member subscription.

How to tie the psMembers script into the shopping cart scripts.

Enter the url to the store members page at the top of the psMembers join.cgi script
my $purchase_url = "http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/cgi-bin/store/members.cgi";
Set $auto_approved ='pay'; in the psMembers users_params.cgi script to send the user to the store/members.cgi script, if you want your users to purchase your member subscription. If you do tie the two scripts together then you will have to enter a product in the store products database table and set the category to members.

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